To be a mother is to have your child look into your eyes and see the world. To teach them all there is to learn, to show them all there is to see and to raise them to be GREAT.
Holding my son CJ in my arms made me feel the spirits of the suns, the moods of the moons, and the will of the winds. My love for him is infinite like the stars in the sky, boundless, endless and unconditional!
So to all the Mommas out there with style and grace, on this very special day kick back relax and........ Who am I kidding (lol) wipe a snotty nose, clean a poopie diaper, ice a booboo, buy extra spondgebob bandaids, clean up lunchtime mess, pick up toys, give big hugs and accept all the extra kisses today! It's a Celebration and YOU deserve it!
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